Introduction to British Studies 5 ECTS (OY) - AY682429P

30.08.2024–31.01.2025 Oulu

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See the schedule on the main page. Please note that while assignment deadlines on the courses vary, the latest possible deadline for assignments on all courses is 31 January 2025. The teachers will give course-specific instructions and assignment deadlines once the courses commence.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to display

  • an understanding of the collective identities, discourses and forms of social organisation which have been influenced by specific historical and structural conditions;
  • an understanding of the curious ‘Special Relationship’ with America, as well as an appreciation of the remnants of the Empire that we see today with the Commonwealth of Nations.


The abiding aim of cultural- and social-scientific British Studies is the comprehensive examination of the present society. British Studies is the interdisciplinary study of the many aspects that combine to create the Britain that we recognise today. This includes, among others, the great watersheds of history that serve to define the nation’s sense of self and provide a coherent ‘national story’ or discourse of the nation: national maritime identity; national music, poetry and art; key aspects of Welsh and Scottish history from the Welsh and Scottish point of view; the twentieth century invention of the province of Northern Ireland; the creation of a British history and identity; and the growth and subsequent loss of the British Empire – from aberration to decline. An understanding of the basic geology and geography of Britain is also essential to the appreciation of literature and so you will be expected to be able to locate on a map a number of important places, including major cities, seas, hills and rivers. In short, during this course you will become familiar with Britain in an academic way, so that you will be able to approach your later university studies in English from a position of strength.


FT Tiina Eilittä

Mode of Delivery

Studying compulsory readings and other course material available online. A final exam or a final essay on a topic selected from a prescribed set. Lectures on campus 4 hrs; online study in the Moodle workspace and independent study 131 hrs.

Compulsory Reading

  • Kearney, Hugh 2006. The British Isles, a history of four nations. CUP.
  • Storry, Mike &  Childs, Peter (eds) 2013. British Cultural Identities. Routledge.
  • Other course material will be available in the Moodle workspace and/or agreed upon with the instructor.


The course utilises a numerical grading scale (0–5). In the numerical scale zero stands for a fail.